Twitter’s Deprecated POST /1.1/statuses/update.json` Endpoint and a Workaround

Recently, Twitter integration spontaneously ceased to work in one of my apps. Specifically, the ability to post new tweets. Turns out the POST /1.1/statuses/update endpoint was deprecated in June without warning, as others have also discovered. Specifically, the error I was was witnessing:

403 Forbidden
You currently have access to Twitter API v2 endpoints and 
limited v1.1 endpoints only. If you need access to this 
endpoint, you may need a different access level. You can 
learn more here:

The twitter gem I’m using has yet to be patched. (And probably won’t for a while, given the dearth of recent activity). And near as I could tell, there were no existing gems that supported the v2 POST /2/tweets endpoint with OAuth 1.0a. So I made a quick workaround. The most difficult part here – and the advantage of using the twitter gem – is the convoluted OAuth signature.

require "simple_oauth"
require "httpparty"

header =
  { }, # Empty, see note*
    consumer_key: consumer_key, 
    token: access_token, 
    consumer_secret: consumer_secret, 
    token_secret: access_token_secret,
    signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA1'

response =
  body:  { 
   text: 'Hello world'
  headers: {
   'content-type': 'application/json',
    authorization: header.to_s

*Note that unlike the Twitter API documentation for authorizing requests with url-encoded params, the request body params for application/json type requests should not be included when generating the OAuth signature. You’ll get a 401 if you do.

That’s it.